How can you dispose of the holiday waste?

Most people wait for the holidays to spend time with their family and friends. But to celebrate the holidays in a proper way, we have to plan and do a little homework. As you know, after spending the day, a vast amount of waste from food containers to plastic cups, wrapping paper gathers and we forget about it. According to the research, Americans generate a quarter of the waste every year during the holidays.

To reduce the amount of waste the people should be aware of how much waste they produce. They also should follow the three R rules - reduce, reuse and recycle. You can also check the local waste and recycle program to find out if they have any particular rules. However, here, we have discussed how you can dispose of the holiday waste easily. If you have too much-wasted products due to any reason and you cannot throw the waste products into the trash bin alone, then you should hire a dumpster rental service.

  • Recycle the Waste

In various cities, you can find bigger recycle bins than trash bins. You should look for the recycle bins in your own city before throwing a party. After gathering all the trash, you should throw them into the bin and recycle all the items including glass, paper and aluminum.

  • Don’t Use Boxed Gifts

You should avoid boxed gifts because these cause more waste. You can give experience-based gifts to your family members and friends like a gateway.

  • Save the Paper

There is no need to buy new gift wraps, old boxes, bows and ribbons. Instead, you can use eco-friendly wrapper paper, newspaper, old boxes and ribbons. As reported, if you want to cut back on gift wrapping waste, you have to avoid wrapping paper as much as possible.

  • Donate the Extra Items

Every year most people buy new clothes, items and other things to celebrate the holidays and throw away the old ones. But you can donate the old clothes that you will not wear anymore to the needy persons. You can also donate the goods and reduce the amount of waste.

  • Keep the Waste Where It Should Be

When you throw the food containers into the recycle bin, do not forget to empty the containers. Otherwise, it can be very messy. You should keep the waste in the trash can and reduce contamination in the recycling stream. If you cannot handle the huge amount of waste on your own, then contact a dumpster rental service immediately.

  • Do Not Use Plastics

If you want to throw a party on the holiday, you should consider offering the guest’s finger foods, in addition, if possible, you can also use utensils and real plates. But if you use disposable items, then do not forget to keep them in the recycle bin.

  • Call for Professionals

If you want to throw your huge amount of waste into the landfill or recycle service, then contact On Call Junk Haul in Edmond. They also provide a free, on-site and no-obligation estimate online.